Pacific Junction Pumps Out of Power

Pacific Junction spent more than a month underwater when the Hamburg levee broke.
Many communities in several Midwest states have been affected by the Spring floods. One of the most devastated is Pacific Junction, Iowa, located along the Missouri River. When the nearby Hamburg levee broke in March, Pacific Junction evacuated its citizens until mid-April and then again on May 30. PeopleService manages the wastewater services in Pacific Junction, and those services are still not functioning mostly due to lack of power, which has not yet been restored. With the evacuation in place, it’s hard for people to get into their homes to evaluate the damage and start the rebuilding process. The special circumstance for residents of Pacific Junction is that each individual home requires power to use their wastewater grinder pumps. These individual home pumps spent a lot of time under water. When Pacific Junction gets power and people get into their homes, PeopleService will be right there, working diligently to restore functioning pumps in homes. We’ll keep you posted.