AI makes news. PeopleService makes your life easier.
The news is filled with stories about Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer programs and their growing impact on our daily lives. Although our first thoughts might go to robots run amok, AI simply refers to any software that engages in humanlike activity, including problem-solving and planning. At PeopleService, we also believe in the power of data and technology as valuable tools for your water/wastewater operations – and there’s nothing “artificial” about our intelligence. In fact, we’re hands-on experts at utilizing data and technology to help solve many of the challenges you face, whether it’s through cloud-based GIS mapping or PowerPay, a software system that helps with everything from meter reading to billing and cash collection. No matter what challenges you face in your daily operation, we can step in and help. Consider us your “Plan B” as we move forward in 2023. (Or “Plan AI” if you prefer.)
How are we doing?
Simply click this link and let us know what’s good, what’s okay and what needs some work. I’ll respond to you personally. Thank you!
Chad Meyer
PeopleService Inc.