Four Hot Tips to a Perfectly Hydrated Lawn
- Water Early in the Day: The air is cooler and winds are calmer in the early morning, so there will be less evaporation of water then.
- Water Evenly: Make sure you’re getting coverage over your entire lawn. Test your sprinkler setup by placing small containers in several places around your property. After a session of watering, compare levels in the containers, making adjustments if necessary.
- Water Slowly: If you water too much too quickly, excess water will run off your lawn – a waste of water resources and your money, not to mention a potential environmental hazard.
- Water Infrequently: It’s better to give your grass a good soak every three days than to water a little bit every day. Watering less frequently encourages roots to grow downward (in search of water), which in turn makes your lawn more stable overall.