From Soup to Nuts, We’ve Got You Covered
We offer our partners a breadth of expert services designed to effectively address the challenges that communities and industrial water and wastewater systems face every day.
- Routine operations
- Ongoing maintenance
- Regulatory compliance
- Security management
- Staffing
- Safety planning
- Management
- Compliance
- Planning long-term capital improvements
- Rates and billing audits and assistance
If you would like a rate study review, call today and talk to Chad Meyer.
Real Stories About Partners Who Faced Real Issues
In Ackley, Iowa, PeopleService has worked jointly with the city since 1988 on numerous improvements including water system control upgrades, lift station upgrades, well rehabilitation, chemical feed system and many other improvements that have saved the city hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In Virginia, Minnesota, PeopleService helped the city complete a wastewater treatment facility, created and implemented the operations and maintenance programs for the new facility, implemented computer controlled maintenance systems for the facility and worked side-by-side with the city engineer in negotiations with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to help the facility meet strict emissions requirements. We are working with Virginia to realize an innovative and cost effective phosphorus, salt and mercury reduction plan.
In 1996, we partnered with the city of Humboldt, Iowa, to help them upgrade an out-of-compliance trickling filter plant. Since then, PeopleService has helped Humboldt complete their new activated sludge plant, we have improved the city’s four lift stations, established new sewer standards, assisted with a $6 million upgrade of the water treatment plant and improved the distribution system.
Support at Every Level
PeopleService is staffed by licensed, experienced operators. We provide regular reports of system activities and maintenance. Maintenance is scheduled via a computerized program with reports shared with local decision makers. We also provide regular updates and presentations as requested to community groups to reinforce value to the community.
Additionally, our long client tenure demonstrates partner satisfaction with the services we provide. We deploy our staff expertise to craft effective solutions for upgrades and system needs, treatment solutions that are affordable and efficient, as well as compliant with regulatory requirements.
Our legacy of dedication to our partners is demonstrated by the number of awards our partners and we have earned from state, regional and national regulatory groups including the EPA.
Find out about becoming one of our community partners and take advantage of our entire spectrum of services. Contact Chad Meyer today at 877-774-4311.